Monday 20 January 2014

P.1 Team Production Meeting #5 Updated schedule

In our production meeting we spoke about  costuming for Shelby who is acting as Skye, we also  discussed costuming for me acting as Phoebe. We all decided as a group what we are going to do this week and that we are going to keep to it, also about filming the creatures, and also getting the editing done, we are planning to be filming Monday, Tuesday and also Wednesday, then Thursday and Friday are going to be days where we spend the whole time editing. We decided that Monday we will be filming the creature scenes providing we have the costumes which we do - blue dress, and Tuesday we will be filming the creature scene along side the corridor scenes, which will be carried on Wednesday, then Thursday we will be confirming that we got the correct footage intended and also edit the footage - colour correction and also effects on the movement of the animals legs and to make the animal look like it is physically flying, and also to make the animal look realistic.

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