Saturday 15 March 2014

P.1 Research into Recording Foley Sound and Sound Effects

__Foley Art?__
Foley sound FX is the reproduction of sound in footage which adds to post - production this increase the quality of audio for films etc. The sounds can be any sort of sound that wanted such as footsteps or winds blowing etc. It creates the sounds so that they sound as realistic as possible, they are needed to make a clip as a whole to feel realistic as it sets the mood. It can also be used to cover up unwanted sounds, and also to enhance sound that's wanted.
Recreating the sound of wind 
__Foley Artist?__
A Foley artist creates ambient sounds that sounds realistic to match whats happening in the film. They create the sound themselves in their own way by recording themselves by impersonating the sound need, by manipulating everyday, buzzer objects or a sound that comes from something bigger then what they can fit in the studio e.g.a horse that you would never guess.
__Creating Foley Sounds?__
All Foley sounds will be recorded in a recording studio by one artist and then have a another person in the control panel playing back the visual, pressing record and enhancing the sound the artist is creating. In the studio you would see microphones in all size and shapes. Another sound FX equipment they would use for example is they e.g. an egg microphone that used for recreating the sound of a horse's gallop, the microphone would be barred underneath the dirt and have anther microphone on top and then blend the two together. All the technology they use is to enhance all the the sounds in the film because the sound tells the audience what to feel at that moment.
__Skills Need For Foley Artists?__
The most important skill you could have as a Foley artist being creative and having a good ear. this is what a Foley artist need, as they need to able to notice what can be heard on screen and then to intensify that sound FX by recreating it using any object for example, for screeching tires you would use a hot water bottle blow a bit of air in it the on a waxy surface move the hot water bottle in the same direction of the car. The Foley artist needs to have the talent to recognize each individual sound that required to whats playing on screen, they also need the energy as it is a performance that they trying to recreate for all these different sounds.
__Advantage Of Using Real Objects Rather Than Computer Generated?__
Using real life objects makes the sound you trying to create more realistic. Also by using real objects are cheaper and easier to access and recreate, if your not happy with the first outcome does not sound good. Although you could use sound libraries/digital production  software however, this will cost you millions just to create the sound you intend for and a possibility not having the sound you want in the end.

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