Wednesday 12 March 2014

P.1 Working between Premiere and After Effects

You can export Premiere projects/footage into After Effects or, exporting from After Effects into Premiere:

1) Once you already have your imported media into Premiere, you then want to go to file- a drop down menu will appear having the option to export. A few setting will appear you want to then export it to QuickTime.
To add effects to you original project/ footage from Premier, you want  to open up After Effects and click on file- drop down menu will have the option of importing. It then will come up with a window for you to find the project/footage where you saved it to and open it up into After Effects. Then you can begin adding your effects. Your Effects will only show up in After Effects once your done, to make sure they show up in Premier effects once you import it, it needs to be saved in both programs; if not that will potentially lose all the effects you done in After Effects. So when everything is saved, you then upload the whole sequence into Permiere with the changes you made. When you have done with all your editing you can then render it and export it as a YouTube file  as a completed short clip.

2) There is also another way that you can do this is: inside of After Effects you can import sequences directly from Premiere Pro. Double click in the project panel, and in the project panel select that project from Premier Pro, change the import settings to footage, then click open.
Then a dialogue box will appear that lets you chose which sequence you want to import. Select the sequence you want and click OK  and then it will appear in your project panel. Giving you the same result as before but this time you just imported it to After Effects rather then sending it from Premier Pro

3) Another way to import sequences into After Effects from Premiere Pro is by dynamically linking the two assets:
By lassoing your clips in the TimeLine in Premiere Pro, then right clicking on all your selected clips. There will be a drop down menu that will appear you want to click on replace with After Effects composition. When you do this all you clips will be sent together as one composition in After Effects. This will then open a new After Effects project if one has not been opened already  it will come up with a window asking what would you like to name the project and then press save.
Back in Premier Pro >
The TimeLine has changed and is no longer three clips, to get the three clips back you can undo in Premiere Pro so your back to the original clip and nothing will change in After Effects. However you wont get the forefround layer of the After Effects in Premier Pro; so what you want to do is: duplicate the three clips in Premiere Pro so you have duplicate of the clip above the original. Then go back to After Effects, select all thesequences in your project panel and delete. then go back to Premier Pro and lasso the four clips you have now and right click, do what you done before and press replace with After Effects as composition. This will give you exactly what you had in After Effect before, but in Premiere Peo, you see in your TimeLine that all you original three clips are there but the duplicates have been replaced with a foreground layer of you After Effects Composition.
This will allow any changes that you make in After Effects will automatically update in Premiere Pro.

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