Friday 28 February 2014


Date: 9.12.13                     Time: 9:00
- making a mood board for characters (using character bio) PHOEBE/SKYE/KE'NAN
- 1/2 way through mood boards
Date: 9.12.13                     Time: 13:05
-Finishing mood boards
-in Room F10 had computer trouble so got 3/4 of boards done
Date: 10.12.13                   Time: 9:00
-finishing of mood board -move on to the models (dress up a model using photoshop)
-finished mood board - almost finished model
Date: 10.12.13                   Time: 11:50
-production design annotate script
-printed out script and half way through annotating
Date: 12.12.13                   Time: 14:40
-script annotate - break down sheet
-done with annotations - 1/2 way through break down sheet
Date: 13.12.13                   Time: 9:00
-go out and get photo's of your entire storyboard - every shot + additional shots
-got all the shots we needed but not the riding shoots
Date: 16.12.13                   Time: 10:50
animatics- as close to find finale sequence as possible. when finished with animatics -folders organised/blogs updated
-half way done animatic
Date: 16.12.13                   Time: 13:05
-need to take pictures of riding animal scene for animatic
-got the pictures just needed to upload to computer
Further logs are in the yellow log book

P.1 Use of Music in Film - Legal Consideration

1) whats the difference between publishing rights and recording rights?
Publishing copyrights only exist if the music or words have been written down or recorded by the artist. Although recording copyrights in sound are performed by e.g. a pianist recording Beethoven famous sonatas.
2) how could you go about clearing a piece of music for use in film?
If the music you want to use is not been pre-recorded then you should address the compose who is likely to have written the lyrics and are not signed to a record label or published, the rights holder would probably say yes. As its away to get their music out and advertised. However if the music has been pre-recorded you would need to contact the rights holder who would probably be the producer or generally a record company.
3) can you use music if the composer has died?
If the composer of the original music has been dead for seventy years or over the copyright licence has been expired. However its likely that the rights are owned by the record company, so would have to contact them to allow you to use the music you want.
4) what is incidental music?
Incidental music is when the music is been used in the film as background music that creates a mood.

1) what is creative commons?
creative commons are a non-profitable organisation, they help to branch out towards creative works for other to lean on legally and to share.
2) Why does it exist?
they exist to realise copyrights to individual or groups that wish to experiment with creative works.
3) 6 different license
- Attribution CC BY

It allows others to distribute, remix, tweak, and build on your work commercially. Only if they credit you for the original creation.

- Attribution CC BY- SA

It allows others to distribute, remix, tweak, and build on your work commercially. Only if they credit you for the original creation. the licence of the new creation has to be under the identical terms.

- Attribution CC BY- ND

This allows for redistribution, commercial or non-commercially, should be passed under an unchanged and credit you as well.

- Attribution CC BY- NC

this licence can not be used commercially but can remix, tweak and build on your work, and acknowledge the original recording, although you can change the name for non-commercial purposes.

- Attribution CC BY- NC- SA

this licence can not be used commercially but can remix, tweak and build on your work, and acknowledge the original recording, it has to be under the identical name of the original.

- Attribution CC BY- NC- ND

this licence is the most restrictive one out of the six, it only allows you to download and share with others while crediting the owner, but you can't change the original piece in anyway.

Theres a scene where the animals are flying, i chose more of an up beat tempo. We used the software called garageband (the picture below shows how we did this, and what instrumentals we used). This genre would be defined as rock.

these to pic show the licence required to use the piece of music we wished for in part of the sequence legally.

Thursday 27 February 2014

P.1 Use of Music in Film - Submarine

The purpose of music is it creates a sonic wallpaper/ background for montage and flash backs, which helps the narrater to flow. It also can tells a lot about the character's persona.
on a mission changes pace
Instrumentals: Starts with a flute then strings come in (almost sounding very orchestral). The pace of the music goes up throughout the clip depending on a a major part of the scene when something is about to or is happening.
Tone: Neutral, ambiguous, slightly happy thinking music, busy, could be romantic as he's on a mission to self discovery, theres an element mischievous whimsical feel of it all. This helps to uncage the audience using humour.
Genre: Classical- is scientifically proven to help when developing brain cells whilst studying, shows that he wants to develop intellectually about what his researching to hopefully help him to understand where he fits in.
Tempo: Could be described as soft brisk walking pace (andante).
The sequence showing his thought process, he has chose that music to show the audience his emotions he is trying to create. It is subjective, it shows how he sees the world through his own eyes.
He plays around with the tone of the music, this is considered when describing a comical memory e.g. he pull down his pants to fart but instead shays him self and followed through.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

P.1 Audio Timeline sheets

These are my ideas for my sound scape in the short film.

Once I have put the footage in and sound that I had, I reviewed where sound effects were missing and logged the time of the clip it was needed and then found the sound effects and logged the source.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

P.1 Rough Cut Production Meeting

In this team production meeting, our main focus we decided is to re-film the corridor scenes as the one we previously filmed we used were too dark and that distorted the quality. We will begin re-filming tomorrow, Friday the 31st of January and will finish re-filming whatever else we need to by  the end of the first week of February (7th), giving us enough time to analyse the quality of the footage and to re-film if needed. Filming the easy parts tomorrow prevents us from wasting time again and it's helpful because we now have our male actor. I think if we first time around found a reliable male actor it would of prevented us from not getting work down promptly. Thanks to Nick, we did and got to an actor. We aim to complete our final by the 12th of February, giving us a day before the actual deadline is (13th). This sets us goals so we won't be rushing to finish filming and editing by making a schedule that we can keep to. This will helps us to be organised to get things done for the deadline and done well! We plan to stick to a sturdy schedule because last time we did not and it made us feel worse throughout the project. Our main concern is the process we take to getting to the deadline, last time the group was stressed and worried which made the work environment less enjoyable to complete the project and made it harder to get along with each other as we bouncing back and forth each others vibes. It is important to get the production of hail done on time, but that won't happen if the group is not working in a healthy team spirit.

P.1 Self Appraisal

I agree with Katie's thoughts as she only saw the three sfx we did, because it wasn't pieced together as one film. The production wasn't narrated, no dialogue and nor music added. When I showed alex at first I showed him the animatic so that he had a vague idea where the sfx clips went, therefore he was a bit more generous with his feed back. We ran out of time towards the end due taking on to much on with the sfx although we still have the ambition to do so (which will make our short film unique). We also had trouble finding a male actor to cast the role of Ke'nan, we went through 3 guys to fill the role and finally found one that seemed to be reliable. This did lose us a lot of time. However now as we approach the finale deadline 13th feb, we can use our time more efficiently and spend more time piecing and editing the video.