Wednesday 5 February 2014

P.1 Self Appraisal

I agree with Katie's thoughts as she only saw the three sfx we did, because it wasn't pieced together as one film. The production wasn't narrated, no dialogue and nor music added. When I showed alex at first I showed him the animatic so that he had a vague idea where the sfx clips went, therefore he was a bit more generous with his feed back. We ran out of time towards the end due taking on to much on with the sfx although we still have the ambition to do so (which will make our short film unique). We also had trouble finding a male actor to cast the role of Ke'nan, we went through 3 guys to fill the role and finally found one that seemed to be reliable. This did lose us a lot of time. However now as we approach the finale deadline 13th feb, we can use our time more efficiently and spend more time piecing and editing the video.

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