Thursday 27 February 2014

P.1 Use of Music in Film - Submarine

The purpose of music is it creates a sonic wallpaper/ background for montage and flash backs, which helps the narrater to flow. It also can tells a lot about the character's persona.
on a mission changes pace
Instrumentals: Starts with a flute then strings come in (almost sounding very orchestral). The pace of the music goes up throughout the clip depending on a a major part of the scene when something is about to or is happening.
Tone: Neutral, ambiguous, slightly happy thinking music, busy, could be romantic as he's on a mission to self discovery, theres an element mischievous whimsical feel of it all. This helps to uncage the audience using humour.
Genre: Classical- is scientifically proven to help when developing brain cells whilst studying, shows that he wants to develop intellectually about what his researching to hopefully help him to understand where he fits in.
Tempo: Could be described as soft brisk walking pace (andante).
The sequence showing his thought process, he has chose that music to show the audience his emotions he is trying to create. It is subjective, it shows how he sees the world through his own eyes.
He plays around with the tone of the music, this is considered when describing a comical memory e.g. he pull down his pants to fart but instead shays him self and followed through.

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