Wednesday 5 February 2014

P.1 Rough Cut Production Meeting

In this team production meeting, our main focus we decided is to re-film the corridor scenes as the one we previously filmed we used were too dark and that distorted the quality. We will begin re-filming tomorrow, Friday the 31st of January and will finish re-filming whatever else we need to by  the end of the first week of February (7th), giving us enough time to analyse the quality of the footage and to re-film if needed. Filming the easy parts tomorrow prevents us from wasting time again and it's helpful because we now have our male actor. I think if we first time around found a reliable male actor it would of prevented us from not getting work down promptly. Thanks to Nick, we did and got to an actor. We aim to complete our final by the 12th of February, giving us a day before the actual deadline is (13th). This sets us goals so we won't be rushing to finish filming and editing by making a schedule that we can keep to. This will helps us to be organised to get things done for the deadline and done well! We plan to stick to a sturdy schedule because last time we did not and it made us feel worse throughout the project. Our main concern is the process we take to getting to the deadline, last time the group was stressed and worried which made the work environment less enjoyable to complete the project and made it harder to get along with each other as we bouncing back and forth each others vibes. It is important to get the production of hail done on time, but that won't happen if the group is not working in a healthy team spirit.

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