Tuesday 12 November 2013

Part 2. Misfits Dialogue - Analyse characters -Nathan, Kelly, Curtis, Simon, Alisha, Gary

The Purpose of dialogue in a clip is to establish and introduce a characters individuality. This is done so that the audience knows which character is which, for themselves rather than getting confused with all the other casts different persona's. It also shows the exposition of the character e.g. back story, accent, personality. Dialogue can set a tone, theme, genre in a programme. Misfits' genre is a youth drama that relates to different themes that young adults go through e.g. finding identity, crime, language and what they go through in different situations. In result of this the director is hoping to grab the attention of the audience by amusing and entertaining the viewer.

Nathan is the one of character shown in the introduction of the episode smoking. This habit could suggest that Nathan has a addictive personality, this means some traits of his personality he'll not easily surrender certain things in this episode. When you notice Nathan's physical appearance you can see his jumpsuit has dirty stains  on it; which could illustrate he might not be a nice or irritating person to hang around at times.

In the group, Nathan is first one to speak back to the probation worker, he done this to establish a more authority amongst everyone else. He does this by questioning what society thinks about the group by saying, "What if we are scum?" this shows his character has some intelligence  however he carries on talking, whilst point at Gary, "But some people are born criminals!" also showing he is sarcastic, a free willing individual who is not afraid of being out spoken and joking about the situation.
By Nathan asserting him self as the joker in the group, he is instantly likeable to the audience. However this could show signs of insecurity, as joking is a common sign this could also be a sign of attention seeking. Nathan has a calm voice and a Irish accent, which makes him non aggressive as in the UK we cant categorise his accent. However his vocabulary is insensitive, such as when he calls Simon a weird kid but thats after he is the first on to acknowledged Simon existence by asking him " Are you al-right there...?" showing his compassionate side, but then he ruins that by insulting Kelly's accent.

Kelly is the third one shown in the changing room brushing her hair in the opening scene. Straight away this shows she cares about her appearance this could suggest she's self-conscious and wants people to take more seriously. Her appearance alone describes her personality as being a stereotypical chav: brushed back ponytail, big gold hoop earrings, chain and a thick accent. As the stereotypically chav she performs on screen, tells the the audience straight away that she has a aggressive tone, is likely to swear a lot (proven in the opening clip as she shows her middle finger to Curtis for making fun of her accent.) and is not a person you want to be on their bad side.

Kelly is also not a doormat that you can walk all over on when ever you pleas as she will fight back, this is shown when Curtis tell the probation worker that he shouldn't be here and her reply was, 'Why, you think you better then us or somethin?' this comment illustrates she will not take insults from no one. I think the way this was done by choosing Curtis to do it because he a stereotypical version of a black show the audience that Kelly is not racist as she stands up to him instead of being scared and classing him as an equal  I think this is important as misfits is based in Britain which its population is mostly white it shows diversity in cultures. i would say Kelly is laid back and not bothered with what's she done as this is shown by he body language in the first scene when the group is together, she's leaning on the fence not paying attention to probation work while he is talking.


Curtis is represented in the first scene as a the leading alpha male of the group, this could be of his physical appearance and him being aware of it as his body and health is in peak condition for an athlete. This shows he thinks highly of him self which makes him seem big-headed and ignorant to others as he doesn't think he should be doing time, because he got caught slipping for having passion over drugs 'which were his mates' however he dose take responsibility as he tells the probation worker, 'Can I move to a different group?' ' This isn't gonna work for me!'. Although he thinks his better he trys to bound with the other people in the group while they there for example when both Nathan and him make fun of Kelly's accent, 'Is that for real?'.

Curtis has a tribal tattoo on his left shoulder, this could be important to his ethnic background. He also wears two gold chains one of a cross suggests he's religious and another with a Roman coin which represents good luck which every time he gets nervous he holds or kisses. Curtis wears his jumpsuit half way and the ties his sleeves around his waist with a plain vest-top, this could be done to show he's one foot out the door one foot in, showing his not fully committed to his community service. Or to show off his muscular body for the girls, or he thinks he looks better wearing it that way.


Simon is the shy and awkward character in the group, that keeps him to him self, nobody really knows his story as his body language is closed in with always that same blank expression with his hands in his pockets. I think it's effective how he hasn't been given dialogue in the opening as it tells you his personality in itself , also making him a mysterious character, which the audience can either be intrigued or bored of!
Simon shows signs of OCD behave when we fist see him on screen when he is getting presentable  no button out of place with a flat collar. No hair out of place, when you see inside his locker its clean and neat. However what puzzles me his he is looking for his phone, this could show signs of antisocial behaver as he seems to spend most time on his phone then interacting with humans. Also could show that he's into gadgets and gives the audience some clue of what he was in for.


Alisha is the first depicted from the opening scene getting change, in slow motion this effect was done to show that she was the attractive female in the group that all the boys desired. It also showed he cheeky and flirtatious side as well. Alisha is very comfortable with her body as she tries to expose as much of her flesh as she can, her top few buttons are undone just so her breasts can be perking out, sleeves are rolled up. This could tell us she seeks a lot of attention from males, this could be because of farther issues e.g. not having a farther around or farther sexually abusing he when she was younger, and that all she knows but deep down she wants to find love .

when the probation worker is addressing the group, she gets a phone call from one of her friend and takes, showing she has no sense of who has authority and would rather be somewhere else doing something else. Alisha wants to be accepted and she realises that Nathan has become a leader figure in the group so while Nathan and Gary are fighting, she's the giggling, smiling and agreeing to what others are say. her tone of voice is very sarcastic and edgy but then she can alter it to sweet and soft. I think she a manipulative character as she can persuade yet defend people.

Gary, is portrayed as the little guy with a big temper/ aggregation  In the opening the camera angle is looking up at him give him a dominate appearance which is supposed to be intimidating  He has a lot of anger and hatred in his tone, also his vocabulary lacks in intelligence  His first piece of dialogue is after Nathan provokes him and Gary responded with 'Are you looking to get stabbed?' followed by 'I'll rip out your throat and sh*t down your neck! 

Gary is shown as someone always causing trouble best to keep away, any chance of a fight he takes it, this might be to do with his confidence in his hight, because generally shorter people feel they have to prove physically I'm stronger then the next guy.

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