Tuesday 12 November 2013

Teenage Hero Story Pitch

Hero: Lilly White AKA The Fusion Mask

Situation: Lilly is a normal 17 year old girl. Well...as normal as you can get. She lives in England near the coast, in a little village called Exeter. Lilly was in a tragic accident that could of been fatal just a while back. She went to the seaside with her sister for the day. Where it happened she drowned but was saved by brave heroic lifeguard Jason  the one with the wash board abs, well that's what her sister told her. She was technical dead for 10 minutes! Until she recovered and that's when things changed and took us to the future, which is present day. The year is 2999 it was a normal day for Lilly, Ke'nan and Lib at Mountain High College. That's what they thought. Suddenly the lights in the corridor flicked they all assumed the generator was playing up again, but as soon as the lights came back on Lilly was gone! Then a voice out no where spoke 'Hey guys I'm right here!' it was Lilly she had morphed into the background, she was see-through, invisible, transparent...  'Ke'nan it's me Lilly!'. they passed the water-fountain then the lights flickered again. Off and on. Standing next to Ke'nan where Lilly was stood another Ke'nan...

New opportunity: The opportunity is presented to Lilly to use her morphing powers, to defeat Precila from destroying the earth from marsh-ling invaders seek a new planet to call home. But Precila has other plans to take control and lead the earth to its doom!

Goal: To get rid of Precila once and for all.

Conflict: Trying to handle her new powers and keeping them a secret, however Lilly really wants to tell her best friend but scared he'll tell her friend which is my nemesis. Does she trust Ke'nan with her secret. Their friendship will be put to the test!

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