Monday 18 November 2013

Team Production Meeting #1

Date: 18.11.13
Who Was Present: Jade-Lee Peachy Gordan, Shelby Lucier, Christen Saptou

  • Script Assessment - We looked at all three scripts and assess what we liked about the individual scripts. Then we looked how we could merge ideas together to make an even better screen play.
  • Script Choice - We chose Shelby's script as it showed more potential as the characters background were interesting. We thought it was a stronger and more creative storyline we could play with. However we did think we could make it better by merging Shelby's script with the idea of a 'flashback' which we got from my script, to show how Phoebe (main character)  got her powers; we thought that we could open with the flashback of the event that happened to Phoebe to get the power of freezing any object.
  • Ideas For Redraft
    - Opening with flashback of the inside, of the human body  freezing. which that fades into white, with some sort of purple sun-ray pulling back to a shot of Phoebe drowning in icy water. then suddenly her eyes open. While this playing of the V.O
    - Flashbacks, we were thinking of doing 3. the first opening one ^. Also during the scene, could be ice fishing trip with her dad. Another one could be at the end, where the ice cracks and she plummets in.
    - Instead of the male character being called Luke, we changed it to Ke'nan (got the name from my script)
Redrafting the script was assigned to Shelby Lucier, however it will be assessed on again to make any improvement that need be if there is any disputes in the group.

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