Wednesday 18 December 2013

P1. Analysing you cinematography

This shot is going to be for the space whale that Shelby is going to pretend to ride once we've made changes on Photoshop. However the framing is all wrong in this composition, as its not getting the whale straight on and the white borders affect this. Also the yellow card isn't covering the full background of the whale, leaving the nose of the whale grey.

This picture could use some cropping around the two verticals sides as the brown space of the table isn't. This  shot could off also been a straight on instead of a slight tilled angle.

This is not a good composition as it restricts the actors space to move. Also Shelby's eye-line is looking downwards when it should be looking at Jade.

Composition of Will and Shelby is put off by, Will looking directly at the camera. Also the background is cluttered with both walls full of posters, which draws the viewer away from what going on stage between the characters.

This picture is not in focused at all so you don't really know what you should be looking at first. However what is good about this composite is the lights are leading line almost in line with wills head, which would of been a good symmetry. 

Th e lighting and tones used in this composition shows contrast as the darker tree is more focus the the bright willow tree that is blurred. This composite was taken from an up stairs window, trying to get different levels to show the angle you looking at.

This composite of a skeleton use a good use of depth creating shadows, this angle that it was shot at also shows diagonal lines.

good use of cropping as this composition is of Jade drowning making this look claustrophobic. her eyes are warped and her mouth is the focal point where the bubbles are most at shooing she's running out of oxygen.

This is a good photos in the background create leading lines, this composite also breaks the rule of space to move making this shot tense as we don't know where he's looking. As well as he in the centre of the frame creating symmetry with the photo frames in the background. 

Good use of balancing elements, as you have the charters looking bigger then the background extras. This also uses depth as it shows how close the main at ors are then the extra, showing there is foreground and background that not making the composition flat.

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