Thursday 19 December 2013

P1 VFX Assest sheet

Shots/ Scenes: 1 - 23

Location: The locations of which we are filming are in F15, Outside the fire exit door of F15, and also the corridors around college (Long Road). We will use F15 for the last few shots that are taken in the classroom, for the desks to sit at, that way we have a classroom at the ready for us to use, we are also using this location for the scenes where need the green scree, because it is a quiet room, therefore we wont get interrupted much, we are also using this room for the green screening because it has a straight wall so that we can hang the green screen up. We are using the area outside the fire exit of F15 because it is close to F15 therefore we dont need to go far if we need to film quickly, we are also using this area because it looks pretty and mystical because of all the trees around, and also the stalls made out of bark etc. It also has a section where it's dark because of the trees, but it also has a section where it is open so that we can get the light in form the sun as-well. We are using all college corridors because they suit the film in as far as it has the colours on the walls down the corridor we need and also the windows, it also has the lockers we need to.

Description: Most of our shots are all going to be fairly magical and also mystical for it is a fantasy genre, it is also going to be fairly dramatic because of the sound effects that we will be using such as the ice effects and also the heart beat effect in the background of some of the shots and the black out that we will use before shots 'scene 5 shot 1' when the ice blows out of Phoebe's mouth. Our film will also be fairly high tech because of the space whale and the ice deer, and copper horse that we are going to use and also need to design. We are also planning on having a lot of different design ideas, such as acting, green screening, adobe effects, photoshop. We are also planning on using music in the film to.

Raw Footage: The main Raw footage that we will have will be the whole of scene 4, which is of Phoebe, ke'nan and Skye walking down the corridors, this is going to be Raw footage because there is no shot where we wil need an effect. We will also be able to take this straight away as it is in an easy accessible location and the location fits perfectly with the on screen location.

Chromakey: We are going to have a lot of Green Screening 'Chromakey' in our video, for the whole of scene 3 is using a green screen and also scene 2. We need to use Green Screen a lot for there are magical creatures in our video such as the copper horse and the straw deer and also the space whale, and these are the shots that base around scene 3, therefore we need the Green Screen to make it look realistic. We need the green screen for scene 2, because we are doing a drowning scene which needs to look realistic, and also a scene where the insides of Phoebe turn to ice rather than natural insides.

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