Tuesday 31 December 2013

Sound effects - 'Drive'

For the Sound Unit we have to analyse THREE different types of sounds. We have already done DIALOGUE - Misfits. Now we're looking at SOUND EFFECTS and we've used the clip at before - the opening of Drive.

Purpose: to build tension in a clip directors give you little bit of information but not enough to keep you satisfied happy is not knowing what comes next, while you make up a scenario, over thinking it in your head and ask ourselves questions, e.g. whats going to happen?
It also establish genre and sets tone e.g.serious, overall its there to entertain the audience.

Information... but not all information:
The watch strapped to the steering wheel, adds tension as its always ticking showing that time is moving on. Also shows that time is against the robbers; the driver gives them 5 mins from when they enter the premises to when they get back in the car. The ticking doesn't stop until the car door is shut from the last robber who only had a couple of

Police radio gives the audience a sense of police movement and that they are aware of the robbery. This shows us they enemy in the case the police for the robbers are constantly watching and can corner them at any given moment. However this prop can be seen as a weapon for the robbers as they know exactly where the police are and can dodge them. This cause tension as we don't know if they could still get caught.

The driver is listening to a ball game playing on the radio while the robbers are in the building until the end, where they are in the car park at the end. There can be many purpose to this, like it's calming the driver while all this chaos is happening around him, linking the world of crime with everyday life. It could also be the drivers strategy of getting away, if you listen to it, it seems whatever is happening in the game is happening while they trying to get away its as if the ball game and the crime is in                sink since he put the radio on and the game starts from the last quarter

Environmental Sounds: There are a lot of background noise (environmental sounds) in this clip, to help set the pace of this scene. This is used in the clip to build tension as well, for example the noises used like the wind, crickets, sound of traffic alarms and police sirens. Also where this clip is set brings more tension to the scene. The area they robbing is very public, making the audience aware of danger to the public while they tying to escape, or will they be caught because they blend into their surrounding.

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