Monday 16 December 2013

P1. VFX Test Footage

Our storyline intals a lot of mystical creatures. For our visual effects research, we focused on Phoebe's character as she is riding on her 'Ice Deer' practising for when we have to do the actual filming later. This also helped us get use to how the green screen works and what complication when using it - we found that the green screen had to have no creases in it other wise when putting in a background there would be uneven. 
Phoebe played by Jade-Lee Peachy-Gordan was sitting on a wooden chair with the green screen behind her and the Ice Deer was resting on the wooden chair. All the visual effects we've done on this shot, was done using Adobe Photoshop.

1. We took footage of Jade pretending to ride on the Ice Deer in front of the green screen
2. We took a footage of a sculpture, of a deer made by the art department and placed it in the same position that jade was sitting in.
3. Uploaded all the footage we took on to Photoshop.
4. We used the lasso tool on both 'Deer and Jade'.
5. We placed Jade behind the deer and cut her hands and made copies of the which we place in front of the deer.
6. Merge all the lyres together to make a composite. (Jade/Deer/Hands).
7. Made 2 new layers for the background placed composite on the first layer (Sky).
8. Second layer (Cloud) we used the lasso tool to cut out the bottom cloud.
9. Placed the cloud on Sky layer in front of the deer.
10. Merge all layers together. ((Jade/Deer/Sky)(Sky/Cloud)).
Final Composition 
I though it looked fairly realistic, however I would change the background colours to more bluer tones. Next time I would also be careful cutting around the deer's antlers.

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